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Book stuff

Posted August 19, 2023 by Xhin

This post is for outlining stuff if I get stuck, to get me back on track.

There are 3 Replies

Current Chapter

  • Fisher demands that Feldspar make Bismuth a free ward. He's hesitant at first (especially without knowing why) but trusts his judgment here.

  • Feldspar criticizes Fisher for leaving their money/supplies behind. He arranges foe a Courier to deliver it if Tom allows it.

  • Bismuth takes a nap. When he wakes up, the Courier has arrived with almost everything -- shy the kyanites that Tom took as payment/semi-revenge.

    Chapter +1

  • Fisher takes Bismuth back to the market to get equipped. The journey is either glossed over or they route through the arena, which is now cleared (this seems more interesting).

  • He gets Bismuth suited up in some light armor, a sword and a bow. There might be a scene where they test his battle genes to find good weapons for him.

  • Fisher is ready to go to the dark wilds but Bismuth remembers their meeting at guildlaw's home, if Fisher doesn't know this . If he does, he's being forgetful again.

    Chapter +2

  • They make their way to Guildlaw's home. I'm not sure how the transition plays out but there should be a lot of references to knighthood / revolution throughout, which culminates in the statue of kamadhenu.

  • Guildlaw, his wife, Nat and Wolframite are here. There's various interactions throughout and a lot of ayrag drank.

  • Guildlaw's father arrives and this explores their relationship more and its tensions. The party of four decide to leave so they can sort things out.

    Chapter +3+?

  • The party make their way into the dark wilds. I'm not sure what this entails.

  • I'm also not sure what they actually *do* -- Fisher will definitely want to fish first, and maybe collect lake drupes. Nat and Wolframite will be more interested in collecting gemstones.

  • They'll see Eldeer but they're shy. No eldrits yet.

  • Nat will mention something about being able to Seer big gems but not knowing where they are. When bismuth tries this, the pathfinder thing comes out and he knows the location to something *super* useful, though it's dangerously close to the maw.

  • They decide to go for it, and find the gem. Everyone gets to work on pulling it out. Because of how Bismuth's power works its actually super super valuable. They don't realize that an eldrit is watching them until Bismuth's pathfinder instincts come out.

    Chapter +4

  • The eldrit is this terrifying monster. I've built this up a lot in a bunch of different ways. Additionally, it has a field of uncertainty around it that Warps the landscape.

  • The party forgets the gem and runs away. Bismuth's pathfinder stuff comes out and he's able to see the correct route through the warped terrain.

  • More eldrits approach -- the first one was just herding them. They fight, but Nat dies. Fisher protects them because of this and fights to let the others escape, and manages to escape as well, though missing an arm (which he says will grow back soon enough).

  • They manage to make it back with the fish, some small gems and lake drupes.

    Chapter +5

  • Wolframite leaves the party to pick up Nat so they can sell their gems and fish.

  • Fisher and Bismuth go to the market and sell their stuff at vendors Fisher knows.

  • They make their way home and Bismuth basically collapses from exhaustion.

    Chapter >=6

  • Fisher has an arm again but it's stubby and weak.

  • Bismuth goes to help at the foundry -- a lot of the stuff here is glossed over though Eld mentions what happened with keryneia. Idk if it's dead or doing better, depends on what the story needs at this point.

  • Bismuth also has to do some kind of freehanding, I'm thinking something in the kamadhenu district to further the revolution plot. He also meets shoveler freehands that he'll see later that night, and other pathfinder, finding out the extent of their abilities. The opalescent should make an appearance as well.

  • Nat and wolframite and Bismuth go out with the shoveler group. Fisher decides to lay low this night because of his arm and some people he wants to visit concerning the whole Tom thing.

  • The shoveler group go out to the nursery, a part of the dark wilds full of plants and moss (and near to the moss district accordingly). Fisher sees the person(s) he met earlier in the day.

  • The goal of this group is getting valuable plants by searching/identifying/seer stuff. Bismuth again lends his services, finding something *super* valuable. The watchworms know there's a super strong eldrit out there but it's worth the risk, especially with a bunch of pathfinders (not including Bismuth even) in the party.

  • Eldrits appear again, but they're warded off. Then an eldrit colossus appears but most of the party manages to escape with their prize.

  • It sells really well and the group celebrates, deciding to take bismuth/nat/wolframite into one of their hidden enclaves in the market district.

  • Tom is here and Manflight and other revolutionaries. He explains to the group what Bismuth can do and how and why and how important it is to their cause and stuff.

  • Fisher also arrives with some of the friends he had consulted, including the queen of blades. Basically everyone important to the story and the revolution plot is gathered here.

  • This sequence of events kickstarts the revolution sequence of the next day (hopefully). Lord antheia is there and reveals (very poorly) in draft 1 that Bismuth was actually created for this exact purpose -- something went wrong with the motivation circuits so he feels less inclined towards the cause but is still empathetic towards it. Manflight says that his wing tech is actually a lot better than it appears-- he's been allowing it to fail repeatedly to keep up appearances.

  • September 7, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Revolution Sequence

    This whole section is extremely chaotic, has multiple theaters and I'm not sure how any of it goes. It happens on a Gratitude day so I get to explore that a bit, and also it means that everyone is fairly distracted.

    Golems make an appearance and are a game-changer.

    The overall strategy is killing opalescent/gracious and capturing their respawn nodes to corner them.

    Bismuth is used a fair amount for pathfinding and intel.

    The overall outcome is that the Opalescent win, but with some concessions to the low worms (like decreased rent). The main players in the conflict and *especially* lord antheia and Bismuth are sentenced to descent.

    Descent sequence

  • Bismuth and the other major players find themselves in descent-land and all that entails. Bismuth is able to pathfind to where lord kamadhenu is -- maybe this was antheia's plan all along, in which case he should probably throw bismuth under the bus in an apparent (but fake) act of betrayal.

  • They meet with kamadhenu and all other revolutionaries and general people that have been kicked out of society, and bismuth is able to guide everyone back to the main world. Kamadhenu has some new tech he's been perfecting that basically cripples the opalescent and/or the gracious, his prophesied "new gifts"

    Revolution Sequence 2

    With a bigger host, kamadhenhu's gifts, and kamadhenu himself (which inspires *virtually everyone* to join the cause), this Revolution goes a lot better, though it's still chaotic as hell.

  • As the final challenge, the Leviathan comes out to play -- a massive golem created to kill collosi. This turns the tide, but the good side is still able to win out.

  • The battle moves into the Garden and all the destruction that comes with that. The Transcendent come out to play and warn of the repercussions of interacting with Opalescent work.

  • This comes to fruition and the Behemoth is released, basically the entirety of the world as an eldritch colossus, the thing seen in the ziz saday vision that swallowed the hexagon (the ship). A lot of stuff gets revealed, like the opalescent evil being an effect of prolonged mesh madness as they try to Seer their way around the behemoth apicalypse.


    Both the good and bad side fight against the behemoth, which turns the city into an exact replica of how it appeared in the descent Sequence, closing the time loop. A way to the surface is revealed (it should be kinda visible in the descent Sequence as well) and the characters go there to start a new life among trees and stuff.

  • September 7, 2023
    Sky's the limit

  • Bismuth is the chosen one but has no desire to make an actual difference and is largely just manipulated into it -- I should *definitely* explore this more from his perspective, as it's a unique take on that trope.

  • Similarly, Lord Kamadhenu is the *actual* hero of the story -- having the chosen one and hero be totally separate is pretty unique in itself.

  • September 13, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Book stuff
