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Civilization v2 Reorganization v3

Posted June 30, 2022 by Xhin

So, from the last batch of reorganizing, the Civilization systems can and probably should be separated out into several parts, so I can start refining my ideas and turning them into full notes -- these notes can then go in the same centralized post with the checklist OP reflecting all subprojects like how I'm doing Combat.

This reorganizing/refining process will take some time, so I'll record the main status of it here, though I may have separate threads for parts of it -- the new forum format is helping organize things a lot.

Civilization v2 Subprojects

  • ECS -- Full notes in progress

  • Identity System (underpins both guilds and NPCs) -- Unseparated

  • NPC Traits -- Unseparated

  • Economic systems -- Unseparated

  • Basic Quests -- Unseparated

  • NPC/Economic Quests -- Unseparated

  • Guilds + Guild Quests -- Unseparated

  • Blueprints -- Unseparated. Might be sanest to merge with the PGCS update.

  • Talking System -- Unseparated

  • Misc -- hopefully can merge these back into the above subprojects or into one of the loose ends posts, but if not, may need a separate subproject.

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