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Dev Block?

Posted July 2, 2022 by Xhin

Here's a list of things that help with Dev Block in this project:

  • Turn whichever checklist item is absurdly difficult into its own separate post. This can be done recursively until the tasks are easy again. I always forget to do this particular one.

  • Do some kind of reorganization -- the next set of projects always needs reorg, and if it's reorged, work on stuff further out.

  • Turn loose ends preorg into loose ends.

  • Fix bugs. Particularly useful if coming back to this project after a long time away.

  • Work on one of the loose ends checklists -- they're smaller projects that are usually less complicated. Also a good intermediate step 2 after doing the above for time away.

  • For complicated low-level rewrites, rebuild the class entirely and test each piece of it as though it were being written from scratch. Then do the same thing with higher levels until everything works again.

  • Sometimes things even inside a checklist need to first be rewritten as notes before I can properly checklist them.

  • Do other items inside a checklist first if what I'm currently working on is too complex.

    I'm probably going to hit dev block a lot over the next two projects -- they're both long and complex.

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