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ECS Brainstorming

Posted June 20, 2022 by Xhin

This part of Civilization v2 is really its own separate thing, so I'm going to try to aggregate those ideas here.

General Brainstorming

  • Could generalize whatever content I come up with here to create wonky melange ECS -- these should supplement rather than replace existing types.

  • There are 3 Replies

    Important Note

    Loops are sometimes more specialized economically, and this would tie into the variety (and naming) of Civ ECS

    Civ ideas

    All of the structures here should tie into the lore and economy, which I'm still fleshing out. The mechanics are the same as other civilization systems and also tie into the more overarching ones there.

  • Farms -- kind of a big one. Shatterloop's economy is based around mass automatic production of various raw goods. Given the importance and lack or cost (or work), Farm owners end up being the elites of the society, and people in profitable guilds get promoted there as well.

    Farm ECS should have the farm fixture surrounded by the correct terrain, with probably pathways between them and whatever the right automation is.

    You should be able to pull product out of a farm as it gets created, or embryos or w/e. This does however get law{} involved because it's very obvious what you're doing and the owners are super wealthy.

    There should also be supply areas under lock and key you can break into with extreme difficulty.

  • Industry stations -- while a lot of materials processing happens by hand (because of the handcrafted aspect of it which is highly valued in society), basic utility or processing needs are handled automatically via automation circuits. To prevent sabotage and improve adjustments, these can be housed in dedicated facilities. These tend to be controlled by Guilds, but some freelancing definitely exists, particularly with strongly organized subversive groups. There are people here that maintain the machines or alter their configuration, which ties back into Quests.

  • Singular shops -- most shops are in towns because of the close proximity to other people and the ability to buy random needed items easily, and also the ease with defending against animal/etc attacks. However, sometimes dedicated shops makes sense for less-useful services or particularly valuable ones that need extra security against saboteurs.

  • Research outposts -- despite its longevity and appearance, shatterloop tech isn't perfect, and dimensions are sufficiently different from one another to introduce these kinds of problems. Thus there are occasional dedicated research stations to study things in the environment or analyze materials. These are definitely guild controlled or maintenance controlled -- subversive research tends to be highly secretive because of its aims, and whatever tech they're using is probably bootlegged.

  • Magic shrines -- by far the biggest set of subversive groups are magic users, because of the lack of public knowledge on magic, the extreme variety of its effects, and the ability to ramp and achieve something way beyond technology. While there are uninhabited high-magic areas, some areas have definitely been citified. Areas high in Altars/Fountains/Megaliths in particular. Advanced magic users are pretty persecuted for various reasons because of their ability to upend society, so they tend to congregate in these areas for mutual protection. Though there's still a lot of backstabbing outside of more dedicated cults.

  • Adventurer outposts -- adventurers of some type are a big part of the Shatterloop economy. These are dedicated places to restock and make deliveries to whatever guild you work for (or your own private stash). While they're *supposed* to be neutral (and belong to one of those types of guilds), there's a heck of a lot of corruption.

  • Memory facilities -- because of the whole immortality thing, killing political opponents (like subversives) is not viable, so instead there are ways of altering their memories with magic and reintegrating them into society. This is highly illegal, and so they come under raids frequently, however they also offer legitimate services for mental health issues or as a kind of raw material for vr-type experiences. They're a good place for magic users to work because of their societal utility and inherent connection to more lucrative opportunities by desperate guilds. The leadership here is weird because of the inherent instability of the facilities - they promote within their own ranks, and hire absolutely anyone from any walk of life. Guilds that build these do these secretly and send unfamed agents to run them, but over time they may lose control of them because of the rehiring and their inability to admit that they own one. As they bring a lot of the illegal lucrative work though they still have open doors to those guilds, even though they're usually discreet.

    These facilities have megaliths/fountain/Altar setups as well as modified newflesh nodes that alter people's appearance (disguised as cosmetic services of course). Like other magic facilities they tend to have some high-magic crops growing somewhere to keep their starshard supply consistent, but they're well hidden. Players can maybe find them and exploit the amazing crops within, but this requires very unlikely backfiring effects to expose them so they're rare.

  • Homesteads -- basically houses by themselves. May have absurdly good loot but consequences for stealing it.

  • Preserves -- animal spawns off the chart

  • Abandoned towns -- free loot but lots of enemies. Probably overlaps with dungeons a lot.

  • Lakes -- Larger lakes where water movement speed is a mechanic again. Better fish (independent of tercos or on their own terco system), probably harder water-element monsters, loot on islands and different (or no) resources. Islands have fishing items and upgrades. Maybe requires an aquatic mount to traverse.

  • Mount Races -- bring your mount animal, traverse obstacles, rank and win prizes.

  • Bomb Range -- bomb puzzles for different types of bombs -- use the least amount of bombs to rank or something.

  • Museums -- have lots of items of a certain type like weapons. Can steal though difficult and make weapons with specific properties to make bank in money or influence.

  • Burial sites -- dig up treasure, minesweeper-like puzzles, idk.

    Via the lore

  • Leisure Forts -- Physical space is very very limited but virtual space is not, so people can store massive quantities of collectables but have only a few of them decorating their space at a time. To get around this there should be "Leisure Forts" -- rentable spaces that allow people to congregate, decorate, hang out with friends or lovers, etc for nice vacation lengths of time.

  • VR Facilities -- I feel like some kind of VR would absolutely take off in this kind of environment, but don't want to be too on-the-nose or cyberpunk about it. It would also inevitably lead to entertainers wielding massive amounts of influence over society, which destabilizes the society I'm building here. So instead this kind of thing probably requires specialized locations to provide the infrastructure and "other players" aspect of it. Maybe the infrastructure just isn't set up for digital data, and instead is focused on storing physical data, so you need really convoluted setups to achieve that.

  • Parks -- Sites of more generalized leisure would also be a thing (like fishing/farming spots), and this would incentivize the "slaves" of society to congregate there and try to live guildlessly. There needs to be societal impacts here, and specific names and lore for the movement and also secretive groups that provide resources like tents, etc. Also all of this should physically exist in the world -- every leisure spot would have its "camps" of malcontents. Things that have cracked down on the guildless can still be called Parks or especially Rest Parks, whereas the ones the guildless have taken over are called Guildless Camps or G-Camps. "G-Camper" is a pretty good slur for the guildless as well.

  • Decplicopolis -- Ruined Decplication Factories, to fit into that bit of lore. Should still have the occasional magic user or group.

  • June 20, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Dungeon Types (mostly NPC-less)

  • Mines -- NPCs -- Mines are wider regions basically constructed of nothing but large hallways. Here you can find one or two dimension-specific metals in larger quantities, however Mines are also guarded by wandering NPCs so stealing things from them requires excellent thievery skills. Mines have entrances in the Overworld, however in Caves you can also run across Abandoned Mines which have less metals but no NPCs. (Though they can have enemies).

  • Abandoned Mines -- Framework ready -- These are like the above but have enemies, no theft mechanic or NPCs, less resources (though there are rare fixtures that contain a lot of them) and a torch mechanic like the caves layer.

  • Labyrinths -- Winding passageways through various shapes. Any of those shapes can potentially be a room.

    rooms of either enemy hell or megaliths/magic fountains/etc. Literal mazes, maybe guarded by minotaurs. Nonlinear exploration, a prize in the middle

    Megaliths of tremendous power in structures full of confusion, trickery and danger.

  • Ruins -- Open areas with these kinds of "statues" which are a part of the normal landscape. These will be interconnected in some way so whatever they unlock will be tied to doing something at several ruins locations. There will probably be a bit of lore associated with them as well. Sequenced artifacts kinda like pivots -- gotta go to a bunch of them

  • Shrines -- (( See list above ))

  • Deep Castles -- these are basically procedurally-generated zelda 1 dungeons, complete with some kind of keys system. So similar gameplay there -- localized battles, mild puzzles (probably some ice-block or sokoban-type puzzles, switch stuff, etc), and figuring out which key to use where. You can get some good loot this well, as well as all the animal products you can carry. Off the reservation, so scrappable


  • Like dungeons, putting the entrances of these in caves (particularly the new version of caves) makes a lot of sense. Also like dungeons whether there is one in a cave system should be known beforehand.

  • June 29, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Puzzles and Traps


  • Rooms can sometimes make door-based fixtures get surrounded on all adjacents by one of three colors along a tetrad (tetrad barriers), with whatever matches the dungeon's tetrad being a floor. Switches will also spawn, allowing you to cycle those colors along.

  • Nonstandard Teleporter networks between different "rooms".

  • Town "pipes" could form a pretty effective puzzle if there was a guaranteed solution and the shape/size of the pipe chunks varied.


  • Huge seas with slowed movement, occasional currents and a strong possibiltiy of drowning.

  • Patches of ice that you slide on and smash into things with, causing damage.

  • Earthquakes that shift the terrain generation around you.

  • August 27, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: ECS Brainstorming
