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Neptopia Loose Ends

Posted December 24, 2022 by Xhin

There are 5 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • You can maybe also die of old age without getting the life extension in the dystopian technocracy you live in.

  • It also might be possible to "win" by bootstrapping yourself into a higher class or getting transport somewhere that isn't this capitalist hellhole, though both are extremely difficult to pull off.


  • Whichever province you pick, you're stuck there until you can afford transport to other provinces. The cost here varies on the province.

  • Provinces have multiple fishing spots and multiple "markets". You do have to commute to wherever you want to go, but the commute times are reasonably short and free. (Outside of the random transport tax)

  • Fishing also gets dangerous after a certain time of day without very expensive upgrades.

  • Shops close past a certain time

  • If you miss your chance to market, your fish will degrade in value for the next day.

  • December 24, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Fishing Mechanics

  • Each province has multiple fishing spots that make some kind of sense based on the province's biome -- could be lakes, the Sea, creeks, etc.

  • Fishing itself involves putting bait on, casting and reeling manually. It's a lot of boring clicking by design.

  • Lines can snag, bait can be lost, hooks can come loose, etc. The Rod determines the likelihood of this happening but this serves to annoy the player rather than be a fixable mechanic.

  • Bigger fish weights can stress rods out, causing Rod incidents. They can also cause personal injuries potentially, decreasing vitality, particularly over the long term.

    Fish Selling Mechanics

  • Fish have different sale prices depending on the fish and province and more variety depending on the time of day you go to market, the fish's "freshness" (time since it was caught), and day of the week. The stats here are all fairly random and depend on the fish in question, the region, etcetc. It might make some kind of economic sense and might not. You'll at least see the bonuses for each fish as you sell it, and it may be stored in your Fishing Journal in a procgen indexing way to save space.

  • Fishing Rod restocking happens every in-game week -- this will deplete half the old stock but make the price of them go down, with the price drop decreasing according to the number of rods you've bought. It'll also add a new set of rods. Week 3 rods will disappear forever.

  • December 24, 2022
    Sky's the limit


  • Weather

  • There needs to be leisure activities in some capacity outside of just drugs and books.

  • December 24, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Province Stuff

  • Provinces are splayed out on a 2D grid and connected to each other. This ties mostly into travel, but also here.

  • Each province has its own selection of foods, tied to its biome (which I haven't built out yet so it'll be random, w/e).

  • Higher economy towns (which also hasn't been built out) will also import foods from adjacent provinces. They're slightly more expensive when not native, but not bad.

  • December 25, 2022
    Sky's the limit


    January 9, 2024
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Neptopia Loose Ends
