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gtx0 adventure design thread

Posted September 26, 2017 by Moonray

Thread for discussing the design & creation of Adventure.

There are 15 Replies


Skype was a good idea but because it's my secondary account I can't get on it very often without stopping conversations with other people so I figure let's just use one of these "Secret Clubs" on GTX0 instead!

I'll be using this post to throw out all the ideas I have for the setting and map of the game.

What I really want from you (and potentially others I might bring on-board) would be detailed descriptions of areas in the game... I guess I need to elaborate on that a bit though so that you understand how NIFE works.


So basically in NIFE there is something called a "Room". This is basically where the character is within the game, kind of like one of the squares on a chessboard except more detailed. A "Room" can literally be anything, as large as a giant open field or as small as someone's bedroom.

Every room is broken down into other smaller things:

  • Name
    Literally what it suggests, just the name of the location.

  • Description
    Again generally what it suggests. This is a bunch of text that describe to the player where they are.

  • Subrooms
    Kind of redundant BUT I really like to use these to go into more detail about the specifics of a room... For example, if in the description you mentioned there is a river flowing through the area, you could then add a "Subroom" with it's own description to go into greater detail about that river and the things around it, or just to highlight a specific detail about something.

  • Exits
    A list of rooms that this one connects to. The "Room" will automatically generate the text for this but when designing a "Room" it is worth considering where it will connect to in order to help you place it within the larger world.


    So here is an example:

    The Shroud Nexus

    A lonely snow covered island drifts solemnly through an endless void. In the distance an alluring vortex shifts tirelessly through the multitude of colours in the light spectrum. It pulsates at regular intervals bathing the drifting rock in multicoloured light. Ribbons of semi-transparent energy flow from places unknown straight down the epicentre of the vortex.

    As your sense return you find yourself stood on the lonely island, but you are not alone. There is a creature wandering the island, mumbling incoherent sentences and words you've never heard of before. A red skinned beast like thing, it wears a robe with slots for its pointed ears. An elf, you suspect, but no- the nose is too animalistic. Almost like a snout. This create is something new, something not of the world you know.

    Cautiously inspecting the small island, wary of the wanderer, you notice multiple crystals planted in the ground. They must be at least five men tall, but only one wide. Each one a different colour, perhaps representative of something.


  • Brown Shroud Crystal
    The Brown Shroud Crystal glows brightly with a magical energy. If you touch it you will be transported to Fral.

  • Green Shroud Crystal
    The Green Shroud Crystal glows brightly with a magical energy. If you touch it you will be transported to Tarzna.

  • Yellow Shroud Crystal
    The Yellow Shroud Crystal glows brightly with a magical energy. If you touch it you will be transported to Spero.

  • Red Shroud Crystal
    The Red Shroud Crystal appears lifeless.

  • Orange Shroud Crystal
    The Orange Shroud Crystal appears lifeless.

  • Blue Shroud Crystal
    The Blue Shroud Crystal appears lifeless.

  • Teal Shroud Crystal
    The Teal Shroud Crystal appears lifeless.

  • Gold Shroud Crystal
    The Gold Shroud Crystal appears lifeless.

  • Grey Shroud Crystal
    The Grey Shroud crystal appears lifeless.

  • Crystal Outcroppings
    There are numerous outcroppings of clear crystals growing on the surface of the island. Their reflective surfaces glimmering in the multicoloured light. You can mine here for a Shard of the Shroud.


  • The Listener -- Listening.
  • Moonray


  • Green Shroud Crystal: Goes to Tarzna - Shroud Temple. Requires Shard of the Shroud.

  • Yellow Shroud Crystal: Goes to Spero - Shroud Market. Requires Shard of the Shroud.

  • Brown Shroud Crystal: Goes to Fral - Shroud Ruins. Requires Shard of the Shroud.


    So you can see there I use the description to try and setup what the area is and a general idea of what's there. I then go into more detail about some specific objects of interest in the Subrooms. This isn't the best example as most of the Subroom stuff didn't require any great detail other than to highlight them as important, but hopefully you get the general idea.

    I think on reflection what I am asking for is a bit more than what Xhin wants. Xhin said he would give you a list of details on a Room, whereas I am probably looking for you to come up with your own stuff. I might give you an overview of the area (or region) and then just let you do what you want with it.

    I'd be interested in help creating Lore and stuff for this game. I have several things mapped out that generally I want to keep (but I am flexible in changing things if you have ideas). I'll post more of that later though, I just wanted to kind of explain what I am looking for from you.

    I would also be open to assistance with anything else you wanted to help on (map, items, etc).

  • September 27, 2017


    Invited you to this as well so that when I start posting stuff in here you can see the sort of things I am doing.

    September 27, 2017

    Sounds good. I don't have any questions at this point, but I'm sure they'll come up once I jump in. :)

    September 27, 2017
    Formerly KM8

    This project sounds really well-suited for the conworlds community on this server. Those people like to invent worlds and build lore anyway, getting them involved here would probably work well.

    How big is the game going to be?

    September 27, 2017
    Sky's the limit

    Initially just three Nations, each with a minimum of 20 "overworld" rooms but then additional rooms for dungeons or building interiors... However I have a world map sorta planned out that includes 6 other nations (for a total of 9) which is why the Shroud Nexus (essentially a fast travel system) has 9 crystals :)

    I might do a very draft world map drawing shortly as I need to start getting my ideas recorded.

    In terms of gameplay length my ideas are that there will be character progression and levels (hence the necessity for the skills plugin) which will allow for dungeons to have different levels of difficulty and thus increase playtime by making characters need to train before they go into something.

    There will also be mystery/puzzle based dungeons. Quests, etc.

    So it's going to be a big game.

    And as I said when I first started talking about this to you, once it's out that wouldn't necessarily be the end. Additional Nations could be added to expand the game, additional skills, etc.

    This project sounds really well-suited for the conworlds community on this server. Those people like to invent worlds and build lore anyway, getting them involved here would probably work well.

    If you mean helping to build the game & world then I definitely want to keep the number of people involved as low as possible. While I am really open to ideas and changes I do still want it to resemble my original vision. I feel like involving too many people would move away from that, which might still end up being an awesome thing itself but it wouldn't necessarily be what I wanted if that makes sense.

    September 27, 2017

    @Moonray: Fair enough, hiring writers seems like a better idea then.

    Also sounds pretty awesome. Looking forward to it.

    September 28, 2017
    Sky's the limit

    Lore - The Nations

    The Human Nations


    The coastal nation of Spero consists of a large stretch of the southern coastal regions and several islands off of the shore. Their abundance of farmland on the islands, as well as massive fishing operations, has lead them to develop a heavily capitalistic culture. Their reliance on new customers and other nations reliance on them has put them in the unique situation of being the only Human nation to maintain peace treaties with non-human nations.

    Geographically the nation's mainland territory mostly spans beaches and adjacent grassland, their capital city being a massive harbour that stretches out onto the ocean with man-made structures. Ocean covers most of their territory, with numerous outposts and islands in between.

    Due to constant threat from corsair pirates and other sea based wildlife Spero maintains the largest naval force of all the nations. Thought they are at peace with everyone, they are not afraid of a fight and know that sometimes to get the best trade deal they have to put pressure on their rivals.

    Players looking to truly explore this nation & its territory will need to purchase a naval vessel and learn how to dive under the treacherous waters.


    Once known as Pralius, the greatest of all the Human nations. The original territory was wedged firmly between the warring nations of Kirux and Tarzna, most was ceded to Kirux when their fellow humans decided it would be easier to simply take the land than ask permission to pass through it. The resulting war, which the xenophobic Elves eventually involved themselves, devastated the nation and left many of its residents fleeing into the mountainous regions. A small number fled to the ruby deserts in the north. Those that remained behind with either executed or enslaved.

    After decades of bombardment from Kirux and Tarzna the war eventually ceased. There was no declaration of peace, nor an official cease fire, the war simply stopped as their enemies became "bored" of fighting it and returned to each others throats.

    From the ruins of their majestic mountainous structures the people of Pralius formed a new nation. Fral they called it. Left without easy access to most resources, food being a particular difficulty in the region, they were forced to resort to banditry. Initially targeting caravans passing through their own territory they later expanded their operations into neighbouring Spero, Kirux, Tarzna and Argyre.

    Geographically the nation is entirely mountainous littered with the ruins of Pralius. The people of Fral live within natural and man-made tunnels, having forced most cave dwelling wildlife out of their homes. Players seeking to explore the region won't need any particular skills, but she be ready to navigate the maze of passageways and obstacles present in the landscape.


    Kirux is a highly aggressive nation, constantly looking for new opportunities to expand their territory. While they will most frequently focus their attention on the Elven nation Tarzna, they are not opposed to conquering fellow human nations. Their entire society is built around the military and upon reaching adulthood all prospective citizens are required to server a minimum of five years in one of the military branches. Those who refuse are denied citizenship and simply added to the nation's slave workforce.

    Once ruled by a despotic King, the nation overthrew it's monarchy and in their place established a council of rulers. This council then elects from its members an Emperor who rules over all the land.

    Though Kirux has not officially declared war with any nation in centuries, there have been many border disputes and open conflicts with its neighbours and they are still in an open war with the Elves- viewing them as an inferior race who exists only to serve, coveting their lands of Tarzna as a key strategic location from which to then launch further invasions against other non-human races to the West.

    Geographically Kirux is filled with grasslands and forests. Its capital city is built on & around the earliest points of a river than runs through to Mardona.


    Refugees from the decimated nation Pralius fled to the ruby deserts of the north where they found conditions no better. Frequent sandstorms, precious little water and unwelcoming temperatures were enough to convince most of them that their journey here had been a mistake. Early luck lead the stragglers to an oasis, large enough to temporarily sustain their population until they could find a more permanent residence though they knew if they remained for too long they would drain the waters and eat away the food. They needed a more permanent solution.

    Before them, few had ever dared travel into the ruby deserts, named for the unique red sand found there, and none had ever journeyed this deep before. It was when they were on the verge of giving in, lying down and letting the sand dunes take them, that their salvation arrived. A massive beetle, the size of a small town, slowly stomped its way through the dunes spilling water from from the back of its shell as it passed. The puzzled refugees chased the giant beetle's prints in the sand, eventually catching it when it stopped for a break and climbing atop its back to find the most wondrous thing. It was like a wildlife sanctuary. The surface of the beetle's shell contained plants, water and livestock all somehow having adapted to life atop this titan... Even more curious, after searching, they found that much of the space inside the beetle's shell was hallow. The creature itself seemingly sustaining itself on magic with no need for any internals.

    Over the years their people learned to tame the great beetles of the desert and built communities inside the giant shells. Meanwhile they secured the top of the shells, establishing farms and collecting water for the city. Their civilisation began to thrive in the isolation of the deserts. When contact was eventually reestablished with the other nations they were wary, but slowly came to adopt friendly trade agreements with those willing. Those who still held aggression in their heart were of little concern, by the time any attack forces ever arrived the people of Argyre could have migrated their beetle cities to the other side of the desert. In one rare case a particularly stubborn general follow the beetles in circles through the desert, eventually lossing his entire battalion to thirst.

    Geographically the Nation is mostly desert with roaming beetle cities though explorers should be made aware of the remnants of some other civilisation hidden beneath the sands.


    The original human kingdom Mardona has over the centuries become more and more pacifistic as its people focus intently on the study of magic, some viewing it as a branch of the sciences while others take a more spiritualistic approach similar to the Elves. Despite their pacifism they have on multiple occasions been forced to defend themselves and as a result they do maintain an army of volunteers who tirelessly guard the borders from invasion.

    Humans from this nation are often considered arrogant and snobbish, having been raised in what many describe as "paradise" they are unaccustomed the struggles faced by those of the other nations and most Mardonans are uncaring for the lives of non-humans. Coupled with their policies of non-aggressiin and non-interference this has put them at odds with the other nations. Fral in particular has a hate for Mardona due to the latter's refusal to aid the ancient nation of Pralius in defence against Kirux.

    Despite this, the priesthood has managed to secure an independent peace agreement with the Elves- allowing them free passage to study magic and learn from the Elves.

    Geographically Mardona is farmland, grassy plains and oceanside cliffs. The main attractions are the various schools of magic and temples devoted to understanding it.

    September 28, 2017

    The Empire of Ash


    The Orc tribes in Duldal are some of the greatest warriors known to the lands. The tribes are held together by a common goal, survival in the face of human aggression. Having been driven out of their original homelands by humans millennia ago the Orcs of today do not hold a grudge, they are however extremely cautious of humans and do not lightly tolerate armed caravans entering their territory.

    The harsh conditions of Duldal have proven excellent for the thick skinned Orcs, allowing them to hunt and prove themselves against vicious creatures.

    Orc culture is governed by a code of honour and they stick to it almost religiously. This ultimately lead to a division within their people as many question why they do not retaliate against a now divided humanity. Those who departed east eventually conquered the forests of Tarzna and over time their bodies adapted to the different conditions resulting in the birth of the Elven race. Relations between the Orcs and Elves have never been great, however they maintain a respectful peace in honour of their shared heritage.

    Geographically Duldal is a rocky region with surrounding mountains and volcanoes acting as a natural barrier. Due to historical volcanic activity the are has a lot of fertile growing land.


    The Reptilian nation Tharixas had been extremely isolationist since even the early days of human expansionism. It was only when the humans pushed the Orcs west into Duldal that the reptiles began to reconsider their stance. The arrival of the Orcs posed a serious problem, as they had arrived in lands the Reptiles had intended go claim for their own expansion. When humanity tried for follow the Orcs into Duldal the Reptiles responded by sending their greatest assassins to take out the human generals, allowing the Orcs to defeat the now disorganised human army.

    After this point the Reptiles chose to take advantage of the situation, the Orcs were vulnerable and Tharixas wanted a stronger military force to ensure humanity could not threaten them. They introduced themselves to the Orcs and formed an alliance. Eventually this alliance lead a much closer bond between their peoples and the Empire of Ash was founded. To mark the occasion the honourable warrior tribes of the Orcs sparred with the noble clans of the Reptiles. A tradition that is repeated on the anniversary each year.

    Little is known about Reptilian history before the arrival of the Orcs, however as they heavily blockade travel further West it is assumed they either have more territories than Tharixas, or they are aware of other nations that humanity has yet to encounter.

    Tharixas culture is based heavily upon fulfilling ones own desires. Once strong enough, Hatchlings are usually sent to work the farms and perform other tasks that teach them a respect for everything they are provided. Schools spend most of their time teaching the Laws of Nobility, a series ethics and morals meant to instil respect for their fellow Reptilian and more importantly their way of life. At the Age of Graduation they are allowed to select a College to enter where they will begin to learn whatever skills, knowledge or experiences their respective college has to offer. A College is not for life, and they may freely transfer between them at will.

    Geographically Tharixas is rocky desert with majestic cities and outposts carved into mesas and canyons.

    September 28, 2017

    Non-Aligned Nations


    Originally the youngest human nation, Tarzna was claimed by an alliance of Orc clans who abandoned the code of honour and instead sought revenge against humanity. The newly established nation of Orcs still maintained their tribal systems but their technological development stagnated when they discovered the immense concentration of magic within the vast jungle region. Their culture slowly became more and more centred around the study and reverence of magic.

    Older treetop settlements were quickly expanded with magical constructions of floating marble and energy. Constructs of jade crystal eternally guard the walls of these settlements. Following their long exposure to the different environment and magical energies the Orcs of Tarzna slowly evolved into the ageless Elves, sharing some physical similarities. Though evolution could not undo generations of anger and hate, leaving the Elves highly xenophobic toward all but their Orc brothers & sisters. Humans in particular are typically shot on sight, unless they belong to a Spero trade caravan or the Mardona Priesthood.

    Geographically Mardona is dominated by jungle and travel guides will advise avoiding travel there unless absolutely essential, stating plainly that "If the Elves don't get you, the local fauna will."


    Home to the mysterious creatures known as the Luinus, Luma is covered most of the year by snow. Though the Luinus are not native to this region, having been forced to migrate after a natural disaster devastated their old homelands. When they finally arrived in Luma, they discover much of the neighbouring land had been claimed by Humanity. At the time humans were one nation under a uniting leader. It was in fact disagreement on how to handle the Luinus that planted the seeds of fracture with their nation, leading to the civil war that tore humanity apart two centuries later.

    The Luinus are high advanced technologically, which has allowed them to survive in a region they weren't born into. Though no one is sure of their exact capabilities, due to no one daring open war with them after the initial Human invasions failed, it is believed their military's advanced technology would allow them to single handedly defeat any one other Nation. Their cities however, being open to visitors, display a wide array of advancements that other species could only dream of.

    Luma has had a long standing rivalry with Tharixas that began when Reptillian spies were found trying to steal technological secrets. Their the ruling houses of Tharixas deny ever having sent spies. This rivalry has never reached any kind of conflict, however the strained relations have made it difficult for the Orcs of Duldal and the human nation of Spero has been placed under very strict trade agreements preventing the sale of any Luma products to Reptillians or Orcs. This has resulted in black markets forming to sell these products to any customer.

    Geographically Luma is cover in snow, features hills and mountains. Navigation of the developed areas is easy, with the Luini having constructed a robust network of roads between all their settlements.

    September 29, 2017

    Magic & Gods

    The exact origins of Magic have been lost to time, perhaps even they were never known to the mortal races. What is known is that magic originates from another realm and the filters through to the mortal realms via Shroud Crystals. Those who have been blessed by the Stars are able to pass through a Shroud Crystal and enter a realm between realms, the Shroud Nexus- the realm through which magic flows to all other realms. There have been rare occurrences where a person could even go a step further and use another realm's Shroud crystals to enter that realm, however there are no known instances of this is modern history. It is also believed that those with sufficient magical strength, such as the Gods themselves, are capable of passing through the Shroud Nexus to enter the realm from which all Magical Energy originates.

    The First God

    In the beginning magic flowed in a pure uncontrollable form. Mortal races lived in constant fear knowing that in an instant all their hard work could be undone by a rogue magic storm. A spark of fire, a tidal wave, a plague, the chaotic nature of magic horrifically snuffing out mortals and then spawning new ones in their place.

    At an unknown point a potent gathering of magic fused into a singular immortal creature. The First God. This merciful deity looked upon the countless Realms and decided the chaos had to end. The creature used its immense power to split the powers of magic into three schools- Destruction, Creation and Primal. To govern these schools and maintain order it also created three patron deities.


    Destruction seeks to dampen the destructive elements of Magic and lesson the damage it does to the mortal races.

    Rules over the elements: Fire, Ice and Lightning.


    Creation desires the opposite, a slowing of creative powers to prevent unchecked spawning of life, matter and energy.

    Rules over the elements: Water, Air and Nature.


    Primal wishes only to keep its other two siblings in check. It may at times aid one of them to the detriment of the other, or simply disrupt the work of both. It is the true nature of magic that Primal controls, and it is in a constant struggle to keep its own self in order.

    Rules over the elements: Spirit, Necromantic and Chaos.

    October 2, 2017

    The Elements

  • Fire
    Fire is a highly offensive element in and out of combat.

  • Lightning
    Lightning is an offensive element in combat. Out of combat it has both offensive and utility.

  • Ice
    Ice has both offensive and defensive abilities in combat. Out of combat it provides utility and defence.

  • Water
    Water has supportive powers in and out of combat, it also provides utility out of combat.

  • Air
    Air has supportive and control abilities in combat. It provides support and utility out of combat.

  • Nature
    Has supportive and defence powers both in and out of combat. Has utility out of combat.

  • Necromantic
    Provides various summons and debuffs.

  • Spirit
    Provides various summons and buffs. Has utility out of combat.

  • Chaos
    Provides buffs, debuffs and control skills.

    Unbound Elements
    These elements have no ruling deity. Often they have been crafted, under existing elements, by powerful mages who had the hubris to believe they could challenge the power of the Gods.

  • Blood
    Health steal in combat & uses Health in the place of Mana.

  • Metal
    Provides summon skills and defensive powers in combat. Provides utility out of combat.

  • October 3, 2017


    Sorry for not giving you anything to do yet. I want to try and get all of these basic details on the world written down so that when you start doing stuff you can have a sort of understanding of how this world works and relations between various things, etc.

    I'm nearly done with this :)

    In the meantime, I guess we could discuss what you want to do. Do you just want to write the "room" descriptions with me giving you a general overview of them as a starting point, or do you want to be free to come up with what you want? (In some cases I may dictate that a certain room has to exist or a room has to have a certain detail, but otherwise you'd be free).

    October 3, 2017

    Sorry, I meant to reply yesterday, but it skipped my mind!

    I'm nearly done with this :)

    Looks really great so far! I can be patient if you just want to keep working on this for a while.

    I guess we could discuss what you want to do.

    I think to start off, I should just write the "room" descriptions (with you giving me an overview). If I start coming up with ideas that require more freedom, I will just let you know! Likewise, if you think of other specific tasks you want from me, I'm open to anything. :)

    October 4, 2017
    Formerly KM8

    Cool ok. I will have to spend some time making a proper "overworld" maps for each of the three regions I intended to do first and then give you details on the rooms within that :)

    October 5, 2017

    Sounds good!

    October 5, 2017
    Formerly KM8

    Reply to: gtx0 adventure design thread
