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Game Projects

Junk Museum

Posted October 14, 2023 by Xhin

There are 3 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • Wander through really surreal landscapes courtesy of the fractal terrain engine or an interconnected skein and the most random content imaginable, collecting junk.

  • Display the junk in your museum to earn money.

  • Use this money to build additional rooms, upgrade them, furniture, etc -- all of which contribute to earning more money.

    The game is largely a text-based base building game, which I've wanted to experiment with for a while. The engine serves to give it some kind of point, ideally without overcomplicating everything like astero.

    Your money is actually a representation of your income - your expenses. Building, adding furniture, etc makes this number go down, while populating these rooms with junk makes it go up, with furniture, etc providing bonuses and adding an extra layer of gameplay complexity.

    The key though is you have to actually have junk to display, so this necessitates going back into the surreal worlds to get it, with rarer stuff being harder to find obviously. This forms the core gameplay loop.

    The surreal worlds are accessed via Books, which can be found inside other worlds or bought for a bunch of money. You start with one book, something pretty mundane in the grand scheme of things.

  • October 14, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Game Progression

    Various features / gameplay mechanics get unlocked as your total income goes up, so there are clear milestones to progress. The whole game could probably be categorized as am incremental game.

    October 14, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    The content and what furniture does, prices, etc are *extremely* random, by design. Adds something to the surrealist junk aesthetic.

    October 14, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Junk Museum
