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Pouch (GTX0 Infrastructure) Alpha Notes

Posted March 9, 2023 by Xhin

There are 1 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • Based around the existing GTX0 login system. Sessions are stored on the database so they can also be manipulated from my end.

  • Game Saving is a big part of it -- saving is manual, seed (or game- or otherwise instance-) based, and stores it in the database linked to the login.

  • Has a robust notes system known as the Journal -- this information can be shared with or collaborated with other players. Different games can configure Buttons to input information into the current Note. Definitely should have tables support.

    Social stuff

  • Has an instanced real-time social system known as IRT. For the alpha, there should only be this -- there's one for GTX0 as a whole, one for the specific game, and one for specific instances of it (such as seeds). The IRT chat log has a fixed length and things drop off as they become too far gone. However the variables for this can be set on the server.

  • Players can place a single immortal message at other layers of a game, such as drillr regions, known as Graffiti. You can edit your graffiti but can't have more than one per deep-instanced location.

  • Has a slower forums-based system for more long-format discussion. This is again instanced by whichever layer you're on. A good place to share Notes and stuff over the long-term. It should be extremely simple, as Pouch is designed to operate in conjunction with games rather than independent of them.


    Pouch is designed to be self-moderating:

  • When players of some instance reach some threshold, they can elect a moderator who has full control over the social structure. Moderators are re-elected every month by whoever actually votes during the window. They also don't have to adopt that system, that's the first vote. Basic majority rules here. Once the moderator system is in place, they can vote to go back to anarchy if they want.

  • before that threshold, they can self-moderate anything they want.

  • moderators can share their power to lighten their load. This can also be recursive, but the hierarchy stops with the top-level moderator.

  • The various variables here can be set server-side per instance (including election length, service time, etc), probably everything is going to require lots of tweaking to get right.

  • For large instances with moderators, dissident instances can be set up to offer alternative moderation. Players can only belong to a main or alternate instance, and also their votes will only count in one of them. A dissident instance can always be created as long as all instances are moderated, having a mod-free location locks it.

    I'm assuming there's going to be off-topic forums or channels and stuff, that's fine. The amount of sub-branching allowed should be based on the overall userbase, though once again, tweakable to cover my bases.

  • March 9, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Pouch (GTX0 Infrastructure) Alpha Notes
