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Psy project

Posted March 31, 2023 by Xhin

There are 2 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • Javascript image manipulation tool. Uses my polar super-plugin and my recoloring super-plugin and various generalizations thereof to make any image psychedelic as hell.

  • Could also use optionally fractal interpolation so bigger chunks of it don't look as bad. Not a huge priority though and might be a technical clusterfuck.

  • March 31, 2023
    Sky's the limit


    Each use of the tool is divided into stages:

  • Upload -- upload an image from your computer or an external link.

  • Metamorph -- Transform an image various ways with the Polar super plugin and /or various settings of it. Also maybe things like the lattice maker that are better off self-contained. Polar transformations can be done multiple times in this stage, or the transmogrify step can be skipped altogether.

  • Prismize -- recolor an image via various algorithms and some new ones I'm thinking about (like a color-agnostic version of killblack). Rainballs also might make sense. I'd like to somehow also get a module of the circle/Spiral re-hueing technique I do.

  • Export/Share -- turns the image back into some kind of raster and/or shares it.


    Both the Metamorph tool and Prismize tool can have various modules -- like the polar super tool is one but there are also more constrained versions or different tools altogether. These should be demarcated out into functions of some large object.

    Same deal with the upload and export step, though I can't see those needing tons of potential future added technology.

    Randomizer + Settings

    You should be able to randomize various module variables with some kind of seed that you can hold onto for future use. For a first version this is good enough.

    You should also be able to save/load preferences in both stages (or potentially chains though I don't want to overcomplicafe version 1) as JSON for future manipulate.

    Version 2 would allow for saving chains and then also save preferences to a gtx0 account and then maybe also have pouch support with image output integration into the social sphere therein. For version 2 you could also do things out of sequence since it supports chaining, like prismize and *then* metamorph. I also like the idea of being able to create animations that could then turn into gifs or whatever. Lots of options herein.

  • March 31, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Psy project
