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Pumpkin Game 2022

Posted October 14, 2022 by Xhin

NIFE-like but not using NIFE.

There are 2 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • The goal of the game is to have the most Skeletons by the time the game ends (November 1st if I can set it up quick enough).

  • Any time you give a player a pumpkin (a "Treat"), there's a 50% chance you'll earn a skeleton. You can maybe also find them in Closets in the Haunted Mansion.

  • You start with 5 pumpkins and can steal them from each player (a "Trick") once per turn. You can also find them in the Haunted Mansion in various ways.

  • Each room of the Haunted Mansion has 4 doors, which start off locked. Doors can variously lead into new or existing rooms in weird ways.

  • You can go into an unlocked room or unlock a door and go into that room -- doing that will actually create the passageway and room, which might lead to an existing room or might lead somewhere new. It's actually *created* in a procgen way -- a Map item will tell you where your doors will lead before they're unlocked.

  • You get 3 actions per turn, though this is upgradeable. Each turn is 1 hour long, so it's helpful to check back on the game every now and then.

  • October 14, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Basic Stuff

  • The goal of the game is to have the most Skeletons by the time the game ends (November 1st if I can set it up quick enough).

  • Any time you give a player a pumpkin (a "Treat"), there's a 50% chance you'll earn a skeleton. You can maybe also find them in Closets in the Haunted Mansion.

  • You start with 5 pumpkins and can steal them from each player (a "Trick") once per turn. You can also find them in the Haunted Mansion in various ways.

  • Each room of the Haunted Mansion has 4 doors, which start off locked. Doors can variously lead into new or existing rooms in weird ways.

  • You can go into an unlocked room or unlock a door and go into that room -- doing that will actually create the passageway and room, which might lead to an existing room or might lead somewhere new. It's actually *created*. Has to make geometric sense and a room can't have more than two weird passageways. A room also can't link to itself.

  • You get 3 actions per turn, though this is upgradeable. Each turn is 1 hour long, so it's helpful to check back on the game every now and then.

  • Players that haven't moved for a full day will begin growing a beard. After three days the beard consumes them and they can't be interacted with.

  • For my own sanity, actions are automatic and the amount of them just refills every hour. This doesn't require event triggering.

  • October 14, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Pumpkin Game 2022
