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Game Projects

Sim Project

Posted February 26, 2022 by Xhin

A weird cross between a life simulator and a language interpeter.

There are 1 Replies

  • Contains a "world" which is infinite in both the y and x axises.

  • Starting out, all tiles are grayscale and maybe use the wild code -- for terrain variety. These count as neutral tiles however. I like gem genie's rendering engine the best for this project.

  • You can move around in a shatterloopian way -- you're not an entity however, just an observer.

  • Entities can be "programmed" and placed. They do actions in real-time. Entity locations are indexed and can be referenced by other entities.

  • The actual event script should be pretty complete -- entities should be able to modify the environment, modify each other, and even modify each other's code. They should also be able to use the environment itself to modify things. They can also clone or destroy themselves.

  • The actual event script is a series of numbers, referencing either indexed commands or actual numbers/data. This allows you to use numerary functions to influence entity behavior. Should be very lispian.

  • You should be able to stop/start time. Or make it faster or slower.

  • February 26, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Sim Project
