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Game Projects

Space Monkey

Posted January 15, 2023 by Xhin

A means of developing the "fractal technology" piece of the Automaton game.

There are 1 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • A text-based Starship Repair Simulator.

  • Clients bring their Starhship in for repairs or upgrades and you have a limited amount of time to give a price quote, then the client can accept or refuse, if they accept you can then make repairs and get the quote money.

  • You get to move around the Starship and examine units in extreme detail, though you do usually also have to take them apart.

  • The game is basically a tech demo of the fractal technology idea I had for Automaton, but leverages some existing text-tech to make it more of a complete game. It should be reasonably simple and maybe not *particularly* fun -- that's reserved for larger games. It's me though, so who the fuck knows.

  • January 15, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Space Monkey
