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Tarot dice

Posted December 26, 2022 by Xhin

There are 2 Replies

  • 6 d12
  • 1 d6
  • 1 d7

    The d7 has a face for each color, and each of the d12 and the d6 have a color corresponding to it, so the d7 "picks" which die to read.

    With this solution, only the d7 is specialty and should be reasonably easy to order. It also allows concentrating the most powerful cards into the d6.

  • 6 major arcana on the d6 -- probably death, the tower, the devil, etc.

  • a d12 for each suit, minus the kings and queens.

  • kings, queens, justice, hierophant, emperor and empress go onto the "crown" die, which should be gold colored.

  • the remainder of the major arcana go on the major arcana die.

  • December 26, 2022
    Sky's the limit


  • red -- swords

  • green -- pentacles

  • blue -- wands

  • gold -- kings, queens, hierophant, justice, emperor, empress

  • gray -- major arcana

  • purple/pink -- cups

  • black -- death, tower, etc

  • The borders of each sticker are the color in question so it's always obvious which die you have. Or I could paint it. Or alternately order dice of that color.

  • The card faces should be cropped to what's relevant and then a custom cs plugin should pentagonize them and add borders.

  • I can write a PHP + GD script to stick them all onto a single printable page.

  • They should be printed ideally on sticky paper so I'll need a printer, or could alternately print them at the library and glue them on.

  • Pentacles should have green (or whatever color that die is) pentacles superimposed on the images for flavor since d12s are pentagonal anyway.

    Something like this potentially makes sense:
    Apparently I can just straight-up order it printed -- this is now the optimum solution.

  • December 26, 2022
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Tarot dice
