Engines NIFE Roadmap Shatterloop Game Projects
Deprecated Saepes Mundi Other Projects Blog

Game Projects


Posted April 18, 2023 by Xhin

There are 1 Replies

Basic Stuff

  • Small game cannibalized from shatterloop with sanity updates and a high scores / weekly seed game structure.

  • 2d fixed screens, real-time entities.

  • Essentially a clone of the shatterloop theft system, or most of it. The lockpicking engine and the line of sight engine play big roles.

  • The houses are set up a bit different -- the fixed screen thing allows multiple rooms to be splayed out with one per screen. Want to keep the house layout / pathing / etc reasonably simple though so I can potentially release this game alongside launch.

  • NPcs should move around in real time. They're slow but still.

  • You have various things you can do like trigger sound or improve the lockpicking puzzle or carry more items via magic. Magic uses mana, which recharges and you have to also find the spell in question -- it's freely available without theft but the location changes every seed.

  • The game is structured in a high scores way -- you have 30 minutes or so to steal as much stuff as possible and fence it for money, learn magic, etc. Your score measures up against other players or other game sessions, so finding optimal routes is essential.

  • There's one seed and it changes every week.

  • April 18, 2023
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: Thiefgame
