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Saepes Mundi

World Engine Notes

Posted February 2, 2024 by Xhin

This post will describe the main engine of the game

There are 2 Replies

Basic Stuff

Saepes Mundi uses a combination of intricately handcrafted and procedurally generated locations at several levels of detail. Quests operate similarly.

The arrangement of Buildings for example definitely doesn't matter, so they're randomly scattered around their area according to whatever the rules are. The engine will also add things like trees and people.

Buildings follow some kind of template, inheriting and then varying things with whatever properties they have. Administration will always be close to the entrance however to improve questing and also because it's more realistic.

The spread of items is similarly random, with higher rarity items spread out in a way that makes sense (further from the entrance for example)..

February 2, 2024
Sky's the limit


The layouts/etc are stored client-side, whereas any actual content / dialogue / lore / quests / etc are stored in the database. The reason for this is that it's easier to format and there's probably also going to be a pretty gigantic amount of it -- don't want to load all of it locally before every playthrough.

February 3, 2024
Sky's the limit

Reply to: World Engine Notes
