Engines NIFE Roadmap Shatterloop Game Projects
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Game Projects


Posted February 11, 2024 by Xhin

There are 1 Replies

Basic Stuff

There's not a whole lot to this project. I mostly want there to be multiple setups that are maybe menuized and maybe also randomized.

  • Boards -- anything above 3x3 should be fine. Each side needs to be at least 3 or all three movesets don't exist.

  • Movesets -- there should be 216 of these. Tiles are subdivided into "corners", "edges" and "inners". The simplex movesets are "adjacent", "orth" and "diag", or 3*3*3 = 27 movesets. However each tile can also affect itself or not, so 27*(2*2*2) = 216.

  • Starting positions -- While I could theoretically turn on and off every single tile in a myriad of ways I think for the sake of sanity it would make more sense to have them all be single tiles flipped on and one position up. I could characterize the type of tile by its position and distance from the closest corner -- through rotation they're all basically identical otherwise. It's important that all starting positions are asymmetrical, regardless of what I decide.

  • Ending -- the game ends with a win if you get all tiles the same color. It doesn't matter what that color *is*. Or alternately could alter it based on the number of colors, preferring whatever the highest color is and telling you as much.

  • February 11, 2024
    Sky's the limit

    Reply to: XORM v1
